Choose the Light

Life is full of choices.  The most important choice I have ever made was becoming a Christian.  I made the choice to love an almighty God. The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  Every choice you make has a consequence, some good and some bad. 
            When you choose to live for God; to proclaim off of every rooftop the love of His Son, you will be persecuted.  In being a Christian, we know what our reward is.  We know that no matter what troubles befall us on this earth, that in the end we win.  There are consequences to being a Christian:
·        You can no longer live a life full of debauchery:
o   Drunkenness
o   Lust
o   Idolatry
·        You will lose friends
o   The people you associated with are not going to change what they do because you have made a decision to live your life for God.
o   They will try to pressure you to do the same things you did before you were saved.
o   They may ridicule you and try to shake your faith
o   A true friend will stand behind you in the choices you make for your life.  They will see the example you have given and choose to follow you in your righteousness.
·        People will talk about you
o   No matter if you are a Christian or not, people will talk about you.  But, the people that have known you for a long time will be the worse after you are saved.  You living like Christ will convict them and their daily actions.  They will feel threatened by you because you are showing them how wrong they are acting.
o   You have to close your ears to the negativity and get into the Word to see that this has been going on since the beginning of time.  The reward for endurance through this will surpass the pain of the present moment.
But just like other choices in life, you have to take the good with the bad.  The good that comes from living in Christ and Him living in you are:
·        Eternal Life
·        Strength from the Lord
·        Knowledge
·        Faith that can move mountains
·        The ability to overcome any trouble that comes your way
I exhort you to press on.  Pray for God to be with you as you start your walk, pray for Him to remain with you as you continue to walk.  Then wait and you will see that God has a bigger plan than you realized.  Your blessings are coming.

Scriptural Reference: 1 Peter Chapter 4


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