
Showing posts from December, 2011

Something I needed to hear....

God loves you.  Those three words can change a life. The past few weeks have been busy.  I found myself putting God last in a lot of ways and it came to a point that He really got my attention.  I made the decision to take a break from some things to be able to really rest in God.  I wanted to be able to come to all of you and share what He has been speaking to me.             Over and over again, it is “I love you.”  It is: I love you even though you mess up.  I love you even though you are imperfect.  I love you even when you think that you are unworthy of any love, from anywhere.  I LOVE YOU! 

Heart Check

      It has really been on my heart lately, that maybe, just maybe some of the things we do are not for the right reasons.  Christmas is coming and every one is running around getting their last minute shopping done.  Kids are about to get out of school for vacation.

Just How Amazing God Truly Is!

God has such amazing plans in our lives.  He holds the beginning and the ends of our stories.  I encourage you to watch the video above.  We sometimes tend to see the "bad" in our situations, and forget that God can make something wonderful out of something we see as tragic. This video is about a ten year old, blind, autistic boy.  His mother was addicted to drugs when he was born.  He was later adopted by a family member and now.......... Love in Christ, Kristine

Where is your heart today?

      "What do you have your sight's on?"  I feel God has been convicting me of this.  He speaks to me in themes, and everything I read points to this.  What on this earth have I put before my time with God?  Back in Bible times, the Israelites continued to try to worship other gods and idols. [golden calf] What are the idols of our world now?

A Love Like No Other

       I was asleep and my Spirit woke me up.  I heard in my mind, "Love is the ultimate deposit."  What do I mean by that?  Love is the best gift you can give anyone.  When you deposit true, Christ-like love into someone's life, you are sowing a seed that will be very fruitful.  Not only will you receive back blessings in your life, but you have now opened up someone else's life for them to sow love and be blessed.

Open My Eyes

    Open the eyes of my heart Lord! Open the eyes of my heart.  In Hebrew, "your eyes will be opened," is a metaphor for knowledge.  Knowledge is power.  Especially, when God is imparting knowledge to you.  The changes that occur in your life due to God's knowledge in your heart is unspeakable.  You can't imagine the power that comes into your life with that knowledge.