Spiritual Bath

    I was doing my bible study today and a thought was put before me.  The question was " How often do you take a shower?"  How does this pertain to a bible study? Ha ha, I know what you mean.  I was like,really?  What kind of question is that?  But, as I read on in my study the answer was so clear.  I bathe everyday.  I take a shower sometimes twice a day depending on how dirty I get in the course of my day.  So if I bathe daily or more than once a day; why am I only going to the cross every now and then?
    Doesn't sin make you feel unclean?  This is a good question.  If sin makes my soul unclean and dirt makes my body unclean.  Then why am I bathing my body and not my spirit?  I have really been trying to have a better walk with God and I need encouragement daily to keep myself strong in my personal convictions for a better life.  However, I find myself knowing that even though I do my bible study and I give a little five second prayer.  I am not truly going to the cross as I should.
    My time with God should be a more personal time.  A time of reflection on my day.  A time to go over what I need help with and to ask God to forgive me and to ask Him to keep His mighty hand on me as I go through this struggle.  If you can do that in five minutes you are better than me.  I know for myself that I plan to put aside this time with God and then the world comes crashing in and there are things that need to be done.  I am too busy to sit and reflect and by the time my day is done.  I am too tired to even think straight.
    One of my weak areas is in the area of praying.  I feel out of place almost.  Like what I am saying is ridiculous and that God is laughing at me.  Why would he answer a prayer from me.  I can talk to a million people in a day and make perfect sense to myself , but when I get  in that quiet time with God I have no words.  Its like my mind goes blank.  Then other times you can't stop all the words that flow.  I am working on my prayer life and its a work in progress.
    Another statement that got me was , " We are not built to be mud puddles for Jesus.  Or clogged and filthy wells.  We were meant to be rushing rivers, to be conduits of living water."  At times I am a mud puddle for Jesus.  I try to straddle the fence of life and live Godly and worldly at the same time.
    It is kind of funny, the other day I was invited to go to a party at work and I was like, " I could go, I don't have to drink like they are drinking or act the way they might act."  and my fiance was quick to rebuke me.  He said, " you are supposed to be walking with God.  You can't straddle the fence."  and he was right.  I could go to this party and I could do this or that, but it wouldn't be the right thing to do.
    You have to choose what you want to surround yourself with and when you are walking with God there are places and people you should stay away from.  Satan is crouching ready to pull you back into that pit of sin and condemnation.  Armor yourself with God's Word and press on to walk with him.  Take a spiritual bath daily.  Just like you wash yourself.  Wash your soul.  God is ready and willing to listen when you come to Him.  


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