Just Love

Brother Don shared a powerful message with us at church yesterday morning. It really made me think.  He talked about how so many Christians go around telling people how to be Christians.  That we put such a "religiousness" to it that people shy away from wanting any part of church or God.  I had to look back at my blog and see if I was doing this too.

I think he caught me before I did anything to crazy.  His main point was that God is LOVE!!!!!!  We should love God, love Christ, but even more we should love each other.  God wants us to live a righteous life but if you love everyone as Jesus loves you then you are making a very big step.

You don't have to like everyone all the time.  Everyone has their times of frustration but we should still love them even if we are angry or upset.  Every person you meet is your brother and sister in Christ.  Think about it.  If they were truly of your blood from your mothers womb would you stand for these "strangers" to be treated with anything less than love no matter what they have done?  Because the simple truth is that whether they sprang from your mother's womb or someone Else's womb, we share the blood of Jesus and that is what makes us family.

Love in Christ,


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