So Good!

Dear Readers,
        God is so good!  He is an amazing, everlasting God.  I have just finished my first week in school and I am amazed at the love that my fellow classmates and instructor have for our Lord.  It is great to see such passion for God.  I am enjoying each of my discussions and I feel encouraged by a body that knows that our God is more than enough.
        The last time I wrote, I wrote on dealing with members of your family and household.  I had some questions for myself, and I put those questions before the Lord.  You shouldn't write anyone off.  It might happen that your relationships are not what they used to be, but love them.  Show them how wonderful it is to serve our God.  A God that makes the impossible, possible.

        No one is perfect.  No situation is perfect.  Life on earth, will never be perfect.  However, God gives us strength when we are weak.  He gives us knowledge and understanding.  He hold us to him and keeps us safe.  He takes away all the fear and doubt and replaces those spirits with truth and love.
       The TV was on when I got home from work this morning.  I could hear T.D. Jakes when I opened the door.  That deep, booming voice.  He was exhorting us to, "Leave it Alone."  His message was centered on the parable out of Matthew, talking about the weeds that grew in with the wheat.  The master of the house told his servants to leave the weeds alone.  If they pulled those weeds out, they would pull up the wheat, too.  T.D. went on to say that the enemy planted those weeds.  That the enemy waits for us to be spiritually sleeping and tries to discourage us.  He wants to take from us all that we have in Christ.
           The message, "Leave it Alone," means don't pull out the weeds.  Let them grow beside you.  Because when the harvest time comes.  Those weeds will be pulled out and thrown into the fire.  You the wheat will still be standing in God.  Don't give up and don't give in..  Let all the anger and frustration go.  Love and trust God to keep you in all your times of distress.
             Love in Christ,


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