Where is your heart today?

  "What do you have your sight's on?"  I feel God has been convicting me of this.  He speaks to me in themes, and everything I read points to this.  What on this earth have I put before my time with God?  Back in Bible times, the Israelites continued to try to worship other gods and idols. [golden calf] What are the idols of our world now?


    Are we placing our time and energy on things of this world?  Are we focusing on the Lord,God Almighty who is powerful and all-seeing.  I have found that my "me and God" time has shortened and I am always finding other things to occupy that time.
    I started school and I have been focusing on that.  I have been working odd hours and I have been making excuses for how tired I am.  I have been focused on what is going on in my relationship and forgetting that God is able to fix all things.  He is able to do a work in my life that no one on this earth can do. 
    I have been reading Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word," and it has really opened me to see that I am not spending the time with God that he deserves.  I have been so focused on other things that my time with Him has become forfeit.
    I urge you to do a mirror check and see if you are spending the time with the Father like you should.  If you are not, take that time and get in His Word.  The changes you will start to see will be amazing.  Just being close to Him shuts out all the things that bring you down.  It gives you strength to keep going and the ability to see that we are not in control, and that He is.  Being prayed up is a part of our armor of God.  It protects us and sustains us.  Keep your light shining!

Love In Christ,


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