Dear Readers,

I am sorry that I have not posted anything lately.  I apologize ,but I want you to know that the Holy Spirit is moving and that God has me on a mission.  I have been doing an in depth personal study on the Book of Titus and I plan on doing something different with the information than I usually do.  So, please bear with me as I finish this time of study and preparation.  I think that you will love it!

Lord,  I ask that you bring peace to everyone today.  No matter what storm is raging in their lives, you are that calm.  You are that joy and peace when the whole world has turned upside down and went crazy.  

I love you Lord.  I praise you today because you have given me so much.  Just this morning you woke me up, you opened my eyes and gave me opportunity to have another day to do your work.  I look forward to what today will bring.

In Jesus' Mighty Name,

Love in Christ,


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